EIN Quantum NRW
We want to make North Rhine-Westphalia a technology leader in quantum technologies. To this end, we are bundling our state’s strong locations in business and science with the “EIN Quantum NRW” quantum computing competence center.
Zukunftsvertrag (Coalition agreement) für Nordrhein-Westfalen, Zeilen 3.421 ff
Where EIN Quantum NRW comes from
The origin of this new ecosystem was a desire on the part of researchers to share their ideas. Gradually, this grew into a larger circle of researchers and entrepreneurs, which gave itself the name “EIN Quantum NRW”.
The North Rhine-Westphalian state government supported the idea of creating an efficient quantum technology ecosystem from the very beginning. This is because the goal of making North Rhine-Westphalia a technology leader in quantum technologies was already laid down by our state government in the coalition agreement.
The state government is represented by the Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy (MWIKE).
What EIN Quantum NRW is today
EIN Quantum NRW is now a broad network of universities, non-university research institutions and companies that are significantly active in the field of quantum technologies.
The competence network is supported by the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia. Through close cooperation, the developing EIN Quantum NRW ecosystem pursues both scientific and economic interests and promotes them together under one roof in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Das “EIN” in EIN Quantum NRW steht für
“E” = Education

In teaching, the network creates overarching teaching, learning and course offerings, creates new degree programs and presents various in-company and academic training opportunities.
“I” = Innovation

The close cooperation between science and industry creates the basis for targeted transfer projects. This creates a lively and beneficial ecosystem for the actors, stakeholders and partners involved. Innovations mature together and are developed to market maturity.
“N” = Networking

The targeted networking of science, industry and politics enables EIN Quantum NRW to recognize trends and developments at an early stage and set the course in good time. The network promotes awareness and enthusiasm for this future technology and thus ensures greater visibility.
EIN Quantum NRW is an open network of companies, universities and non-university research institutions, which is represented by a steering committee with two spokespersons, working groups and the office.